Thursday, June 27, 2013

The unresolved yet.

Hi all,
I was quite busy to write posts here, btw the project development going well.
GUI framework is done, big thanks to directfb, sawman and other libraries from directfb. However, using gtk/cairo and pango is a right way for big applications and special GUIs like dashboard (and it's used) - it's a more portable way.
To release digivehi there are still some unresolved things:
  • Navigation software hasn't any production use user interface (it's ugly)
  • Configuration GUI is absent yet (all things can be made only by editing text config files)
  • CAN bus (there are mostly hardware problems)
  • Splash screen (yep yep, I guess for most of the people text showing while device boots up is a complete bullshit)

well, it's a huge list, but it might be solved within short time.
